Just be a natural; it's the rare invisible ninja art.

So many people are teaching essentially the art of 'tricking her' into bed. I always knew there was something amiss with this, so I never got into it too much. Instead, I've had natural success with women from over two dozen countries (and the U.S. of course!) to date by just being a natural.
Yes, and that includes when I didn't even know their language.

The ability to attract and have success with women is a natural function. Look, they want sex just as much as we men do but in a different way. They theoretically even have to want it as much, or the natural balance would be thrown off and we wouldn't be here today.

It just is different when it comes to women. They're more turned on by a guy's energy than his looks alone. Plus they usually need to be 'warmed up' instead of having an instant hog wild sex desire for you. It's about how you are and how you communicate with her that really turns her on and opens your pathway; it's about your level of respect for yourself AND your unspoken respect for her and her body.

Learning pick up lines implies some quick fix or magic trick.

In fact, the whole seduction community is operating out of what I call the current social 'forced reality'. It's simply a by-product where men adapt themselves to the current social reality instead of looking at the more powerful, timeless, unchanging natural process of attraction which still exists in her and in you.

It's just been covered up.

When you can operate out of a natural understanding and embrace it, you can talk baby talk to her or in another language and she'll be attracted to you, it doesn't matter.

When did we ever have to 'learn' how to be effective with women?

What if nature's species of animals had to be 'taught' how to be successful with women?
They'd move toward extinction. The truth is, they KNOW how to mate and communicate with each other and humans do as well.

Nothing has changed.

It's just been covered up in the past few short decades.

The truth has been hidden, yet throughout complex social behavior patterns of women and your own confusing past experiences, underneath lies the simple truths of natural attraction which has nothing to do with pick up lines and even works more effectively today than ever before because of the
massive amount of frustration created by the modern dating paradox (men are saying 'why does she treat me like this' and women are saying 'where are all the real men').

If you're coming from the wrong energy, it doesn't matter what you say to her because you'll 99% fail. The power to succeed is not just in changing your inner game, it's in connecting yourself with a greater understanding and aligning your thoughts, beliefs and lifestyle around natural understanding and success instead of a superficial social fix.

Sure, those things can be nice spice on top of a true natural mindset (so rare today) and can then accelerate things faster, but when done on their own, the perfect 'line' can never be perfect or work everytime and everything else becomes ‘technique based’ (… think “well what do I say to her 'next'?”) which leads to failure, rejection and massive inconsistency.

That's all a byproduct of the forced reality which consequently takes a LOT of game time and preparation in order to see still limited results by becoming a PUA (Pick Up Artist).

It's an unnatural path that I believe most men just don't feel is them nor something that they should have to do just in order to meet women or get laid because it doesn't seem right or natural.
So the answer?

It's in becoming a rare natural and ultimately adding value to women's lives but more importantly, living your life in harmony with universal principles (which gives you the massive leverage to make a big change and fast) and becoming who you really are as a man and not someone you aren't just to
'get something' from women.

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