A variation of this eye kiss can be practiced as a tender diversion.

After an intense period of "soul or "vacuum kissing" has been indulged in and both lovers lie back tiredly, looking into each other's eyes , the-young man should lean over the face of the girl.

But, instead of implanting his lips on hers, he should bring his cheek into direct contact with her cheek again.

Then, when this is done, he should lower his eyelash so that they enmesh with the eyelash of his partner. This, of course, is done one eye at a time. And when the enmeshing process is complete, each should gently raise and lower his or her eyelids.

The contact of the hair of the eyelash is one that is almost indescribable. Suffice it to say, it is a charming by-path in the meadows of love that is pleasant, provocative and yet not exhausting.

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